Darrell Amy

Darrell Amy

Darrell Amy helps Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs grow their business so they can grow their impact. He's the author of Revenue Growth Engine, a book helping businesses integrate processes, content, and technology to accelerate their growth.

Appears in 13 Episodes

Do Not Work For Food That Spoils

Have you ever pulled out a loaf of bread to make a sandwich, only to find that it's covered in nasty green mold? Moldy bread is only good for the trash can - it's a di...

Maslow's Hierarchy vs. Jesus' Heirarchy

Maslow says that we need our physical needs met first. Love, esteem, and self-actualization become possible once our basic needs are met. From Maslow’s viewpoint, we a...

Remembering We Have an Adversary

Oh give us help against the adversary For deliverance by man is vain.Psalm 108:12“We live in a love story set in the midst of a world at war,” John Eldredge so eloquen...

Creativity and Business

"Create." This is the label on the button that I just pushed in Google Docs to open up a blank page to write this article.God is a creator. “In the beginning, God crea...

Thoughts On Self-Rejection and Discipline

One who neglects discipline rejects himself,But one who listens to a rebuke acquires understanding.Proverbs 15:32Having started my career in sales almost three decades...

The Waiting Is the Hardest Part

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers got it right in their hit song: The waiting is the hardest part.Business involves many times of waiting. We get a verbal approval from ...

Where Does Your Heart Go When Things Go Wrong?

Today as I launch a new business initiative I’m paying attention to my heart. While I am massively excited about the impact these new programs can have, there is a par...

The Invitation To Rest

One day a retired businessman wanted to encourage fellow entrepreneurs who were doing the hard and thankless work of building their businesses. He thought it would be ...

The Power of Many Counselors

“Without consultation, plans are frustrated.But with many counselors they succeed.”Proverbs 15:22Like most entrepreneurs, I tend to be very independent. The ability to...

Asking and Listening

I must admit, I’ve become accustomed to asking Google for answers to questions. More recently, as I have experimented with conversational AI, I’ve witnessed powerful t...

Trusting God In Business

There are many moments when business can induce stress. Between employees, customers, suppliers, sales, and cash flow, business offers many opportunities to freak out....

The Power of Business To Transform Our Hearts

Nothing has built my faith more than being a business owner. Over the past two decades of being an entrepreneur and talking with hundreds of other entrepreneurs, I’ve ...

Numbering Our Days To Interpret Our Lives

‬Knowing that we only have a finite amount of days affects the way we see our lives. The way we interpret our days matters. Understanding that our days are numbered gi...

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